03 – 20 – 2022

በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ነውር ክብር፣ ዝቅጠት እድገት፣ ውርደት ክብረት፣ ድንቁርና እውቀት ተደርጎ መወሰዱን የማያስተውል የለም። ያሁኑ ግን እግዚኦ የሚያስብል፣ ብጹዕ አባታችን እንዳሉት “መፈጠርን የሚያስጠላ” ድፍረት ነው።

በመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ለይሁዳና ለመሰሎቹ “ባልተወለደ ይሻለው” ተብሎ እንደተጻፈ ከግብራቸው ክፋትና ከሀሳባቸው ቆሻሻነት በተለይም በቤቱ ፣ በቤተ መቅደሱ በፈጣሪ ከሰሩትና በመስራት ላይ ካሉት እልፍ አላፍ ዲያቢሎሳዊ ተግባር የተነሳ ባይወለዱ የሚሻላቸው በመፈጠርና በመወለድ ሰው የሆኑ – በተግባራቸው ከአራዊት፣ የላቁ አረመኔዎች ይባስ ብለው ከሳጥናኤል በላቀ ድፍረታቸው በብጹዕ ወቅዱስ አቡነ ማትያስ ፓትርያርክ ርእሰ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ዘኢትዮጵያ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ዘአኽሱም ላይ ለከት አልባ ቆሻሻ አንደበታቸው ሲከፍቱ ተመልክተናል።
እንደጋንኤል ክስረት (‘ዳንኤል ክብረት’) የሚሉት የፋሺስቱ ስርአት ፕሮፕጋንዲስት፣ የስርአቱ የሽንት ጨርቅ፣ በግል ስብዕናው እጅግ የረከሰና የተዋረደ:- ባህር ዳር ላይ አንዲት ሴትን ደፍሮ የካደ፣ ሌሎችን ገንዘብ ከፍሎ እያጻፈ የሌሎችን ስራ በስም ያሳተመ፣ ከሌሎች ሰዎች ስራ ላይ እየወሰደ ስምና መቼት በመቀየር እንደራሱ ስራ የሚያቀርብ – በተለያዩ የሥነ ጽሑፍ ዘርፎች የተጻፉን ጽሑፎች ወደ ወግና ተረታ ተረት በመቀየር እንደራሱ ፈጠራ ያቀረበ ሌባ፣ ከተለያዮ ቋንቋዎች ላይ የተገኙ ሃሳቦችን ወደ አማርኛ በመቀየርና በወግ መልክ በማቅረብ ሌብነትን እንደስራ የሌሎችን ስራ በሙሉና በከፊል ለነሱ ተገቢ እውቅና ባለመስጠት የሚገለብጥ መሰሪ ቆርቆሮ፣ ከ50 ዓመት በላይ ሆኖት ከመንደር ወሬዎች እና ከተረታ ተረት ፍተላዎች ያልወጣ እንከፍ፣ በሴራና በማስመሰል የተካነ በሁሉ ጉዳይ ላይ አዋቂ ነኝ ብሎ ያለ እውቀት በድፍረት – ያለ ጥበብ በማስመሰል – ያለ ማስተዋል በኔትወርክ እና በሴራ የተካነ የሰው እንከፍ በብጹዕ አባታችን እውነተኛ፣ ሐቀኛና ወቅቱን የጠበቀ አባታዊ መግለጫ ላይ ‘መልስ’ ለመስጠት ሞክሯል።
   እንደው ለመሆኑ ሰው እግዚአብሔርን ባይፈራ አንድን ታላቅ የብዙ ሚሊዮኖች የመጨረሻ የቤተክርስቲያኗ ፓትርያርክ የሆኑ አባት የተናገሩትን ለማስተባበል አንድ ተራ ግለሰብ እንደምን ይደፍራል? አለም ያወቀውን እውነት – ቢሊዮኖች የሰሙትን እውነት – በማስረጃ የታየን – እንደው ሰው ምን ይለኛል አይባልም? እንዲህ ያለ ድፍረትስ ራስንና ሌሎችን ከመናቅ ድንቁርና ውጪ ምን ሊሆን ይችላል?
    የዘር ማጥፋት፣የጦር ወንጀልና የወረራው ዋነኛ ባለቤት የሆነው ፋሺስት ስርአት ገረድ የሆነ ሰው ስለፍጻሜው ምላሽ ለመስጠት ምን ሞራላዊ ብቃት አለው? ገዳይና አቃጣይ – የግድያውና የማቃጠሉ ደጋፊ እንደምን ራሱን ለመከላከል ይመጣል? አንድ ተራ በምግባሩ በአደባባይ የረከሰና የተጨማለቀ ሰው ብጹዕ ወቅዱስ የሆኑ ፓትርያርክ ለመናገር እንዴት ይችላል? ሰው ደረጃውን ሳያውቅ ተራ የስም ማጥፋት ስራ ይሰራ ዘንድ የፈቀደለት ማን ነው?
    ብጹዕ ወቅዱስ አባታችን ታፈንኩ ሲሉ ማን ደረሰላቸዉ? ከአፋኞች ወገን ሆነው ያፈኗቸው ሰዎች ዛሬ በሳቸው ላይ አንደበታቸው ይከፍቱ ዘንድ ማን ድፍረቱን ሰጣቸው? ፓትርያርኩ ታፍነውበት ዝም ያለ ምዕመን እንደምን ያለ አዚም የተደረገበት ምዕመን ነው? ፓትርያርኩ ታፍነውበት መታፈናቸው ሳይሰማው ከአፋኞች ወገን ሆኖ የሚያሸረግድ መንፈሳዊ ማህበራት፣ቤተ ክህነት (በተግባር ቤተ ክህደት የሆነ)፣ጳጳስነት፣ ዲያቆንነት ከወዴት ያለ ነው? አጠገሙ የሚያያቸውና የሚሰማቸውን ፓትርያርክ የማያከብርና ያላከበረ ክርስትና – ያላየውና ያልሰማውን ፈጣሪ አከብራለው የሚል ማነው? ዕውን የሳቸውን እንባ ፈጣሪ አይመለከትም? ዕውን የሳቸውን መታፈን – ሐዘን – ጭንቀት – ያሉበትን ሁኔታ ፈጣሪ አያውቅምን? አይፈርድምስ? የሳቸውን ድምጽ ለማፈንና ላለማሰማት የተጉ አንደበቶች ዋጋቸውን ያገኙ ዘንድ አይቻልምን?
      ብጹዕ ወቅዱስ አቡነ ማትያስ ለቤተ ክርስቲያን የከፈሉት መስዋዕትነት እጅግ ትልቅ ነው። ለአመታት በውጭ ሃገራት ተሰደው የኖሩት በቤተ ክርስቲያን ላይ የተሰራን ሸፍጥ በጽኑ በመቃወማቸው ነው። ላመኑበት በተግባር ዋጋ የከፈሉ፣ ለማንም የማያጎበድዱ ታላቅ አባት መሆናቸውን ታሪካቸው አቢይ ማሳያ ነው። ስለቤተ ክርስቲያን ሥርአትና ህልውና ሽንጣቸውን ገትረው ተከራክረዋል። ጽፈዋል፣ዋጋ ከፍለዋል።
    በትግራይ ሕዝብ ላይ የደረሰውና በመድረስ ላይ ያለው በደል፣ በሰው ልጆች የሚፈፀመው ግፍ እና ጭካኔ የተሞላበት ጭፍጨፋ እኮ ቅዱስ አባታችን እንዳሉት ቁጥር ስፍር የለውም፣ ተገልፆ የሚያልቅም አይደለም። እንደክርስትና አስተምህሮት ክርስቶስ “ፍጹም አምላክ – ፍጹም ሰው” እንደሆነው ሁሉ “አምላክ ሰው – ሰው አምላክ የሆነበት” እንደሆነ ይታወቃል። ሰው ተፈጥሮው ቤተ መቅደስ፣ ሰው ራሱ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ነው። የተጋሩ ከነህይወቱ መቃጠል ለገባው እና ላስተዋለ የተቃጠለው ክርስቶስ፣ የተቃጠለው ቤተ መቅደስ፣ የተቃጠለው ቤተ ክርስቲያን ነው። ለገባው እና ላስተዋለ ፈጣሪ በአምሳሉ የፈጠረው ፍጥረት መቃጠል – መጨፍጨፍ እና መገደል ጥሉ ከተሰሪው ሳይሆን ከሰሪው ጋር ነው። ሰሪውም ፈጣሪ ነው። ከፈጣሪ ጋር ገጥሞ ፈጣሪን ያሸነፈ ከቶ የለም። አይኖርምም።(ቅዱስ አባታችን በጥኡም ልሳናቸው ገልጸውታል።)
     ፈጣሪን የያዘውን – ፈጣሪ የመረጠውን – ፈጣሪ ለመምረጡም በታቦተ ጺዮን መገኛነት፣ በ9ኙ ቅዱሳን ማረፊያነት፣ በቅዱሳን ቦታዎቿና በተግባር የትግራይ ሕዝብ survive ማድረጉ ትልቅ ማሳያ ነው። ከፈጣሪ ጋር የሆነውን የትግራይ ሕዝብ ከቶ ማሸነፍ – ማጥፋትም አልተቻለም። ፈጽሞም አይቻልም።

     ትግራይ ትስዕር!
      ትግራይ ትዕወት!

3 thoughts on “ከሳጥናኤል የላቀ ድፍረት ያላቸው የእፉኝት ልጆች!”
  1. Amhara militia and Fanos were caught with their hand in the cookie jar-died in vain- not masscred says:

    Mr Bayu ,

    Don’t you bore the feeling of self-accusation , while saying TDF did that and this ?

    As of NOv 4, 2020, Who let Eritrean and Somalian soldiers in and empower them to massacre, burn our people and commit all sorts of crimes involving moral turpitude ?
    Are you saying Tigray Defense force should fold their hands and stop being self-defensive in the face of deadly aggression that could exterminate their own people, family, friends and innocent civilians? It is clear for everyone why TDF is coming to you ?

    When you block roads and prohibit innocent civilians from getting access to fundemental basic needs required for survival, TDF should and obliged to go about and force you to release all the trucks and make sure they reach their destination.
    Furthermore, criminal Prosperity party cadres and their cliques like you should be brought to justice.

    if you think that TDF did those things, please show us your evidences ? What I have seen so far against TDF was the carcass of donkey, and cattles that are collected from every trash to defame people of Tigray.

    YOu are also trying to present war criminals as victims of aggression by Tegaru , those people you mentioned now were caught with their hand in the cookie jar – killed while bombing, or massacring our people- caught in the act or red-handed.

    Generously, TDF is feeding your relatives smuggled to kill my family and relatives and all Tegaru-my flesh and blood.

    Therefore, you have to blame the wrong day , not TDF or other. ሐዊ ወሊዕኩም ካብ ዘይትወፅሉ ማዕሙቕ(ፀልማት) ምዕታውኩም ሕዚ ተፈሊጥኩም ዶ ከማትወጣው አዘቕት እንደገባቹህ አሁን አሁን ብር ብር አላችሁ መሰለኝ፣ጃል መገን

    ምንትሥ ምንድነው ብለሽ ያወራሽው ሰውን ሰው ሲበላው የታባሽ አየሽው ዝብል ፉከራን ደርፍን አሎ ካብዚ ንላዕሊ ጭካነን በላዕያተ ሥጋ ሰብ ካበይ ይርከብ፥፥ከነጥፍኣኩም ኢና ኢሎም ትግራይ ዝአተዉ ወረርቲ፥፥ብፆቶም ስድርኦም ምሰአኑ፥ብህርቓን ንፁሓት ሰባት በሐዊ ከም እንጨይቲ የቃፅሉ፥፥አብ ትግራይ ቤተሰቡ ዝስኣነ ኩሉ ትግሬን እንበቀላለን ይብለልካ፥የትግራይ ሕዝብ ነፃ አውጡኝ ፥እርዱኝ አልወጣውም፥ መጀመሪያ ማን ጠራቸው፧ ብሎስ ቤተሰባችንን ሊጨፈጭፍ ጦርነት ገጥሞ የሞተ ሁላ ግፍ ተፈፀመ ጀኖሳድ ነው ፥ብሎ ማለቃቀስ፥፥የአማራ አለቆች ሕዝባቸውን አሥጨረሱት አንዴ ከቅማንት ጋ ፥ቀጥሎ ጉምዝ፥ አገው፥ኦሮሞ ከሕዝባችን ጋር ፥እንዳማቶም ከይዶም ነገር ወሊዖም ተሐሪመ ኢሎም ዝአውዩ በላዕቲ አማዒት ነፍሳት ፥እዮም ፀላዕትና ፥፥ የአማራ ሕዝብ ብልጥነቱንና አሥተዋይነቱን ማሳየት ካለበት መውቀሥም ካለበት ለእሳት የዳረጉትን ከተጎራባች ሕዝቦች ጋር ሁሉ ያናቆሩትን ፥ገብቶ ከማይወጣበት እሳት ያጎሩትን መሪዎቹን እንጂ ከትግራይ ሕዝብም ሆነ ከመላው ብሔር ብሔረሰቦች ጋር ወዳልተፈለገ ማሕለቅት አልቦ እልቂት መጋበዝና ልጆቹን መላው ቤተሰቡን ከመማገድ ይቆጠብ ፥ለሕዝባችን የሚደርሱ የመሠረታዊ አቅርቦቶችን ጨምሮ ማገዱን ያቁምልን፥፥

    You said “The disturbing destruction in Tigray should have been communicated to Ethiopians as a call to support, instead of making enmies with the rest of Ethiopia.” There is no one who can be tricked or deceived by this statement you made , but leaders of Tigray were constantly making a call to neighboring people of Amhara, Eritrea and other ethnic members to stand with their brothers ans sister of Tigray and disobey the divisive, and warmongering call made by Prosperity party . Lastly, I want also remind you the fact that before Eritrea and prosperity party officially waged war on our people, people in Gonder killed Tegaru , robbed their riches , and many fled to Sudan in an attempt to save their lives. And People of Tigray were condemend to suffer from hunger long before the war broke out . Hence, to whom do you tell us to communicate the destructive and genocidal act of your beloved party ? Many were supportive and some were silent and everyone knows the suffering of people of Tigray.Stop wasting your time to brainwash readers and mislead the international community. God willing, We shall win and Tigray Prevails

  2. Mr Deacon Daniel Kibret is a guy famed for his fictitious stories , throwing famous plagiarized quotes at his gullible audience who think he is a true follower and trustworthy servant of Orthodox church, and eventually all what he did and is still doing is for his personal advantage by throwing dust in our eyes as his most recent acts exhibited his genuine personality-unmasked true self. In the history of our church, we don’t have a pastor regarded as a good leader and who promotes genocide and seed hostility among neighboring tribes who share the same religion and take part in the same ecclesiastical sacred moment. He is simply a demon in the flesh and famous pulpit artist who hide his true self-portraits in his sermons and religious articles. What he preaches, and his deeds do, contradict to each other. Most Ethiopian Orthodox church pastors (preachers), and the rest of the clergy, dedicated much more time preaching about prayers, alms giving and fasting to their laity, but the current interethnic conflict and brutality demonstrated among the laity of Ethiopia orthodox church and other churches provoked a sentiment that all those sermons and clergy men failed to cultivate morality and personality of good Samaritan among Christians. Even many of our preachers like Daniel Kibert and so called Mahibrekidusan were very much obsessed with the number of their fans and followers while defaming good servants of church , some of whom left the church and joined other Christian denominations, but do invested little to no time and knowledge to unite their followers who belong to one & the same Orthodox church other than diving them among preachers. Most preachers spent their time speaking about themselves , their favorite football team, political party and royal king that they want to see him assume power -only building their image and hit the jackpot-achieve fame. “But as for you, you have turned aside from the way; you have caused many to stumble by the instruction; you have corrupted the covenant of Levi,” says the Lord of hosts, spoken about clergymen like Deacon Daniel by Malachi 2:8 People like him caused many to stumble and go astray in their hearts and past true religious life by instilling hate and revengeful sentiment against each other Why is he not willing to speak up for Christians dying in Tigray ? Why not for all Tegaru irrespective of their religion ??? The Samaritans were a group of people residing in Samaria, who did not have good relations with the Jews. Luke 10:25-37 In the context of religious teachings as it is mentioned the parable of Good Samaritan , we need to help anyone in danger and undergoing sufferings regardless of his ethnicity, religion and social category. His Holiness was defensive and had already advocated for all Ethiopians regardless of their ethnicity and religion , and many of you are not happy because you don’t want to hear His Holiness exposing the war crime committed against Tegaru, but the naked truth is that you want every church leader to condemn only and only TPLF. If you were looking for a cue of what to pick for a pretentious and crooked man among clergymen , look no further than Mr Deacon Daniel Kibret. Daniel Kibret and all other preachers should preach about peace, love, and advocate for all people subjected to genocide, displacement, hunger, and all sorts of sufferings. Please show us in your deed by speaking about Tegaru and Oromos ,if you are a true preacher and even if you consider yourself as a laity of Orthodox church.

    But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”( Luke 11:28 ) So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.( James 4:17 )Every clergy is a laity and must be faithful to God and act accordingly !!!!
    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. – Oscar Wilde A mask could be a beer, money under the table(bribe), also could be a historical moment like we have to day that every brutal and crooked man shamelessly wage genocide on our people just because the time has come to reveal his true self, and he finds himself in an era in which many people of the same behavior co-exist and acknowledge genocide as a norm and his criminal act received an approval from the majority. Stop Killing Tegaru, Amhara ? Oromos, Agew, Kimant , Gumuz, and all other tribes for their ethnicity and personal and political views . Stop Burning, and torturing humanity!!Abiy and his cliques(Fanos, Amhara elites including Dn Kibret -fake pastor – should step down and face justice!!

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