Vision and Politics in Tigray
By Teodros Kiros ( Ph.D) In what follows I would like to give an outline of a vision which deserves a book which could guide us to go forward in…
Narrating Tigray!
ብ ግእዝ ፊደላት ንምፅሓፍ ኣብዚ ዝተትሓሓዘ ሊንክ ( ሳንዱቕ ብቐሊሉ ምጥቃም ይከኣል። ብዚ ድማ ናብ ኢ-መይል ወይ ካሊእ ማሕበራዊ ሚድያ ኮፒ ምግባርን ኣብ ዌብሳይታት ንምልጣፍን ይሕግዝ።
By Teodros Kiros ( Ph.D) In what follows I would like to give an outline of a vision which deserves a book which could guide us to go forward in…
My father a farmer My sister engineer my brother a doctor when I finish school I dreamt to be a lawyer Sadly, that was shattered in 2020 November my life…
ክቡር ኣይተ ኣብርሃም ብርሃነ፣ ጥዕና ይሃበለይ!ነዚ ክፅሕፍ ዘለዓዕለኒ ስለ ዝኽሪ ወይዘሮ ኣልማዝ ኣበራ ዝብል ዝተፅሓፊ ተመዛዚ ታሪኽ እዩ።ኣቐዲመ ብ እቲ ጥዑም ላዝኦም ብ ዛዕባ ብዙሓት ሊቃውንቲ ተጋሩ ዘውስእዎም ታሪኻትን ኣቀራርባን…
By Teodros Kiros ( Ph.D.) This piece continues ideas which I introduced in Tiigay and Vision and also my recent interview in African Ascent International. I appeal to the existing…
ጌታቸው ኣረጋዊ – ውራይና ልዑል ጥበብን ፅንዓትን ዝሓትት መድረኽ! እዚ ኩነታት ኩሉ ነገራቱ ተቐቢልካ ከም ሰብ መጠን ጠጠው ኢልካ ብዛዕባ መፃኢ ዕድልካን መፃኢኻ ተፀብቐሉ መልክዕ ቃልስን ንምሕሳብን ንምዝታይን ክትጅምር ብጣዕሚ…