Kalayu A

This map is an overlap of two administrative maps of Ethiopia which belong to two starkly different constitutions. The blue are Provinces of the Imperial Era by 1960; whereas the red are the Federal states since 1995. The two are mutually exclusive although they are overlapped by the power of cartography. Is it possible to have two constitutions enforced at the same time? There is no historical evidence for this, neither is there any logic in it.

Unfortunately, it is the strange attempt to validate this overlapped-map as a map of Ethiopia that is messing up Ethiopia for the last two years. The vestiges of the Imperial Era are trying to climb two ladders because they are sure they have two legs! One ladder is the Imperial Era map of Ethiopia and the other is the Federal Map of Ethiopia. They think they are the smartest of all in the sense that they clutch the Federal arrangement which created the Amhara region to their advantage and are at the same time stretching out their violent hands to snatch the administrative arrangement of the Imperial Era! They want four separate former Imperial provinces (Wello, Shoa, Gondar and Gojjam) to remain united as Amhara Region as crafted by the Federal Constitution. At the same time they claim that Welkait in Tigray belongs to the Imperial province of Gondar as a zone and Raya belongs to the Imperial province of Wello of the federal Amhara Region. Alas! Logic and consistency are on fire.

It is scientifically possible to have a bipolar personality as the Amhara land grabbing political and economic elites have become; however, it is impossible for the administrative geography of states to be bipolar. It is this crazy attempt to realize the impossible bipolarity of states that has plunged the land grabbing elite into a state of suicidal delusion and are unable to snap out of it. Because of military and political defeat of their ambitions they have gone to the extent of violating their own creed as supreme protectors of the sovereignty of Ethiopia. Their greed for land went totally out of control so much that they invited a foreign army to do the job of realizing the bizarre claims for them.

The most laughable part of the whole story is that they are messing up Ethiopia for the sake of saving Ethiopia! The Amhara land grabbing elite are freaking out, as the world watches them with bewilderment, when the peace deal between Tigray and Ethiopia based itself on the current Federal Constitution. The decision automatically de-legitimizes the anachronistic claims for Western Tigray and Southern Tigray. They have become so disorderly and unmanageable that they are harming the Ethiopia they pretend to love and muddying the very three strip flag they hoist for every event.

By aiga

3 thoughts on “The Map of Ethiopia for the Amhara Land Grabbing Elite”
  1. Kalayu, I read your note and it seems like you guys are having hard time to let go the ill gotten welkayet and try to create one lie after the other. We all know how tplf incorporate welkayet in to the tigra kill so don’t be ye leba ayne derek. You already created so much problems for your own people and the people of Ethiopia at large so please learn from your mistake and control your false ego and highly inflated self. what weyane did in welkayet is the equivalent of a thief wrapped a stolen item with a flashy wrap called constitution and try to make it legitimate or legal product. Wrapping an ill gotten land with a useless constitution whose only purpose is to divide the People of Ethiopia and to legitimatize a stolen land does not change either the ownership nor the content so give it up. In fact tplf and its supporters should be held responsible for the crime they did in welkayet and compensate the people of welkayet for the 30 years exploitation of their land and suffering they incur. Tegray does not have an inch of land across the Tekeze river that was the boundary then it will remain the boundary now and in the future. You can not lie your way out of everything so like I said earlier you already created so much distraction and death in the process of attempting to hold on to the ill gotten wealth like effort, welkayet, raya etc so no one have any more patience to entertain your nonsense.

  2. “No country should accept the presence of foreign country on its land”: Obasanjo “It is the duty of the federal ethiopian government and fano who decide who should stay in ethiopian soil , supporters of pp & Fanos “Amahara region is part of Eritrea” Higdef partisans የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥትና የፌደራል ሠራዊቱ በተቆጣጠሯቸው የሀገረ ትግራይ ግዛት ውሥጥ እንኳ የትግራይ ሕዝብ የመሠረታዊ አገልግሎቶች ተጠቃሚ እዲሆንና ወደ ሀገር የገባው የእርዳታ እህል እንዲያገኝ በተገቢው መልኩ ሲሰሩ አይታም፥፥ይባስ ብሎ ፥የብልፅግና አመራር አባላት ወደ ሀገር የገቡ የእርዳታ እህልና መድሃኒቶችን እየዘረፉ በጅምላ መሸጥ ላይ እንደተሰማሩ እየተነገረ ይገኛል፤፤የሰላም ሂደቱ ላይ በዚህ እና በመሳሰሉ ኢሰብአዊ ድርጊቶቻቸው እንቅፋት እየፈጠሩ ይገኛሉ፥፥ በእርዳታ የገባን እህል ለተደራሹ ሕዝብ መልሶ በገንዘብ የመሸጥ ና ለግል ጥቅማቸው ማዋል በደርግ ባለሥልጣናት ና ሹማምንቶች ዘንድ የተለመደና የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ አንዱ አካል እንደሆነ በዘመኑ ያለፉ ሰዎች እና የሰነዱዋቸው መዛግብት ያስረዳሉ፤፤ በእርዳታ የገባን እህል ለተደራሹ ሕዝብ መልሶ በገንዘብ የመሸጥ ና ለግል ጥቅማቸው ማዋል በደርግ ባለሥልጣናት ና ሹማምንቶች ዘንድ የተለመደና የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ አንዱ አካል እንደሆነ በዘመኑ ያለፉ ሰዎች እና የሰነዱዋቸው መዛግብት ያስረዳሉ፤፤ይህ ዓይነቱ ከፋ ኢሰብኣዊ ድርጊት እንዲቆም ቢደረግ የተሻለ ነው፥፥

    Mr Gojam ፥እንደተባለ ባንተ ዘመን ስለሰማኸው የተዛባ ታሪክ ላይ ሙጭጭ ከምትል ለምን ሁመራ፤ወልቃይት ና ራያ ወደ ሀገረ ትግራይ ተካተተ ወይም ተካለለ ብለህ ብትጠይቅና የታሪክ መፃህፍትን ብታገላብጥ የተሻለ ነው፥፥እነዚህ ከላይ የጠቀሱት የሀገረ ትግራይ ግዛቶች ቀድሞኑም የትግራይ አካል የነበሩ እንጂ አንተና መሰሎችህ እንደምትተርኩት የፈጠራ ትርክት ከ፩፱ ፰፫/1983 ወዲህ ወደ ትግራይ የተወሰዱ ወይም የትግራይ አካል እንዲሆኑ የተደረገ አይደለም፤፤ ወልቃይት እና ራያ የሀገረ ትግራይ ግዛት በነበሩበት ዘመን አምሓራ የራሱ የሆነ ግዛትና ክልል አልነበረውም፥፥ ወልቃይት እና ራያ የሀገረ ትግራይ ግዛት በነበሩበት ዘመን :አሁን አማራ ነኝ ፥ክልሌ እዚህ እና ይህ ነው ማለት ይቅርና ጎሳዊ ይም ብሔራዊ ማንነት አማራነት ስሜት እንደ አሁኑ አልነበረውም፤፤ታዲያ ከሀገረ ትግራይ በሗላ የተወለደ ማንነትና ብሔር እንዴት አሁን ተነስቶ የሀገረ ትግራይ ግዛት የኔነው ሊል ተቻለው ?? ከመፈጠሩ አሥቀድሞ መሬት ነበረኝ እደሚል ለጋ ወጣት ሆናችሁሳ፥፥ቤተሰቡ ከጎረቤት ነጥቆ ወይም ተውሶ የነበረን የከበረ ንብረት በቤተሰቡ እጅ ያየ ሕጻን ሁሌም የቤተሰቦቼ ንብረት እንጂ የጎረቤቶቼ አይልም፤፤እናንተም እንደዚያ ናቹ፥፥ለማሳመን ወይም ለማደናገር የተጠቀምካቸው ነገሮች ፈፅሞውንም ቢሆን አይገናኙም፥፥ትግራይ ነፃ ሀገር ትሆናለች፥፥

  3. You the tigray diaspora are the source of problem for the people of Tegray and Ethiopia at large. No matter how rosy you fox try to paint Tigray, the reality tells something else. Even when tplf was in full control of the country, that region was surviving with full government handout support. so get real, if you want to create a country go right a head and experiment on the poor people of Tigray if they allow it.

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