Those are the poignant and resigned responses of a mother to President Sahle-Work Zewde when the latter fought her tears back [I presume it was genuine but again, one should be excused if one dismiss it as a mere crocodile tears] as she recounted the incident today in her speech during the Victory of Adwa celebration. She said, she offered [Pads or Tampons] to a woman who was grieving the lose of her two adult children who were murdered when the genocidal war was declared on Tigray that had lasted for two long years. The rejection to the offer symbolizes the depth and scope of the extraordinary hurt Tigreans endured where no absolution can undo the damage much less right of the cuff seemingly genuine gesture like offering a tampon. 

The woman-President knew too well the systematic ethnic cleansing including the mass rape that was underway right before and after her encounter with the Tigrean mother but she had been reticent about it for a reason only known to her when she divulged one of the many harrowing incidents three years after the fact. She might as well trickle one harrowing incident down at a time come next year in the same event. The fact however remains when our mothers and sisters do not need anyone’s validation and authentication as we ourselves tell the story to the world when the enemy’s propaganda machinery is in a full gear to downplay it if not to deny it if it ever happened all together. 

The rather difficult question nonetheless remains: what can possibly bring the million Tigrean lives back to life? Certainly, not literally but figuratively, that is? No restoration of basic services, as in electricity, telecommunication, banking, airline among others can bring a million lives back to life. To be more precise, no peace agreement including the otherwise in danger Pretoria peace agreement can bring back a million lives to life. As they say, there is no prosthetic to an amputated spirit. And that was exactly what crossed her mind when she rejected the offer extended to her from the woman—President. 

The only way that can bring the million lives back to life is when Tigrean political and military leaders muster the resolve and courage and declare Tigray independent nation-state. What worse scenario can possibly happen to our people than what they have endured during the dark days of three long years? Really! The logic is deceptively simple: Can one live under the same umbrella with a genocidal state? I think not, nor do the people of Tigray! 

Paulos Irgau. 

One thought on “Your stuff won’t bring my adult children back to life, says a traumatized Tigrean mother.”
  1. The Tigrean genocide was well planned and designed by all actors especially after the death PM Meles Zenawi. Spearheaded and organized by PP of Ethiopian government and Eritrean Shabia government, Medias such as ESAT and other Diaspora institutions and Amhara elites have also played key roles this genocide to happen. It was mainly implemented by Ethiopian army, Eritrean brutal fascist armies, Amhara (Fano, special forces, paramilitary) and Somalia trained armies from Eritrea. Moreover, it was supported by the drone strikes donated from UAE, Turkey, Iran, Russia and China. Thus, the genocidal war launched on Tgray is from all parts of Ethiopia , Eritrea and other countries mainly Arabs. It was done through the mass murder, mass displacement from Western, NW and Southern Tigray, raping of Tigrean women and mothers, blockage and siege and all other evils never happened before in any other parts of the world. More than 1.8 million Tigreans were displaced from these areas, there was also death marches of Tigrean to Tekeze river who made to be killed and threw in to the river while other Tigreans who were former military members of the ENDF and other civilian Tigreans were hunted and were also marched to death camps of Awash, Arbaminch, Jigjiga and other notorious prison cells of Ethiopia. The forced Amharanization of Tigrean women and mothers in their own words of the genociders ‘ purifying your blood’ and Amharaized through rape and sexual violence

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