Eritrean ባንዳ Condottieri Occupation!
For how long Do we remain silent Under foreign occupation Our Voices clogged; Eritrean nomad scads, With primitive consuetude, Freaks as they are Running amok! No law enforcement Put in place…
Narrating Tigray!
ብ ግእዝ ፊደላት ንምፅሓፍ ኣብዚ ዝተትሓሓዘ ሊንክ ( ሳንዱቕ ብቐሊሉ ምጥቃም ይከኣል። ብዚ ድማ ናብ ኢ-መይል ወይ ካሊእ ማሕበራዊ ሚድያ ኮፒ ምግባርን ኣብ ዌብሳይታት ንምልጣፍን ይሕግዝ።
For how long Do we remain silent Under foreign occupation Our Voices clogged; Eritrean nomad scads, With primitive consuetude, Freaks as they are Running amok! No law enforcement Put in place…
By Belay First it was a response against injustices and failure of enactment of international law that led the Eritreans to stand and struggle for independence. Given the way they…
Kalayu Abrha It is hard to describe the mood Tegaru all over the world are in as the “peace-process” unfolds. While the “peace-process” is dragging its feet Tegaru have strangely…
TDA PR Office Following socio-economic and humanitarian catastrophes unfolding in Tigrai due the brutal war and siege, TDA, with the continued support of TDA chapters, Tegaru Diaspora and friends has…
In one of my all time fav movies, “Papillon” [pronounced as Papion and based on a true story], Steve McQueen, a convict who is sentenced to life in one of…
By Teodros Kiros (Ph.D.) We are here partly because our mothers birthed us from their loving wombs, to which our fathers are equally contributory. This is a biological fact. Beyond…