የአብይ አህመድ የጨነገፈ አመራር
ከባለ አገሩ 1-5-22 የአብይ አሕመድ የከሸፈበት አመራር በሚል ርዕስ ለአንባባያን ባደረስኩት አጭር ማስታወሻ አብይ አህመድ የአገር እዳ ሸክምና ጋሬጣ መሆኑን ለማሳየት ሙከራ አድርጌ ነበር፡፡ ባለፈው ሳምንት አቶ ልደቱ አያሌው አብይ…
Narrating Tigray!
ብ ግእዝ ፊደላት ንምፅሓፍ ኣብዚ ዝተትሓሓዘ ሊንክ (https://ethioadvocate.com/editor) ሳንዱቕ ብቐሊሉ ምጥቃም ይከኣል። ብዚ ድማ ናብ ኢ-መይል ወይ ካሊእ ማሕበራዊ ሚድያ ኮፒ ምግባርን ኣብ ዌብሳይታት ንምልጣፍን ይሕግዝ።
ከባለ አገሩ 1-5-22 የአብይ አሕመድ የከሸፈበት አመራር በሚል ርዕስ ለአንባባያን ባደረስኩት አጭር ማስታወሻ አብይ አህመድ የአገር እዳ ሸክምና ጋሬጣ መሆኑን ለማሳየት ሙከራ አድርጌ ነበር፡፡ ባለፈው ሳምንት አቶ ልደቱ አያሌው አብይ…
Sample title 1 Kalayu Abrha 12-25-21 – In fact, I have no reason and am left with little energy inside me to laugh at a time when my people are…
The Global Society of Tigray Scholars and Professionals (GSTS), representing more than 3500 Tigrayan scholars and professionals worldwide, expresses its appreciation to the Government of Tigray (GoT) and profound respect…
Isaac M. 23.12.2021 The Ethiopian, Eritrean and Amhara forces (hereafter ‘Ethio-Eritrean criminal forces’) have killed, maimed and sexually abused tens of thousands of Tigrayans since November 2020. They have also…
Pursuant to section 506A(a)(3) of the Trade Act, I have determined that Ethiopia, Guinea, and Mali do not meet the requirements described in section 506A(a)(1) of that Act. Accordingly, I…
TGCC (December 22, 2021) – Since November 2020, the world witnessed the genocidal war the Ethiopian government declared on the state of Tigray in northern Ethiopia, under the cover of…