Which Planet Do Tigrayans live on?
There are two separate worlds, with one rule for one world and another rule for the second world. There is an evangelical pastor whom Lord Boateng believes was sent from…
Narrating Tigray!
There are two separate worlds, with one rule for one world and another rule for the second world. There is an evangelical pastor whom Lord Boateng believes was sent from…
ሰው ሶስቴ እንዲበላ ለ17 አመት እንዳልታገለ በቀን አንዴ እህል እንዳይቀምስ ታገደ ተከለከለ ያረሰው ማሳ ያጨደው እህል በክምሩ ተቃጠለ አይ ያልታደለ ነፃ አውጭው ነፃነት ተነፈገ ትናንት ማርኮ በፈታው ለባርነት ተዳረገ ለብሄር…
Kalayu Abrha When I saw in Nairobi that civil and military leaders of Tigray and Ethiopia were at ease with each other, seemingly chatting informally, and having a coffee rendezvous…
መልእኽቲ ን ተጋሩን ኤርትራዊያንን! ‹‹ነዛ መፀሓፍ ብነፃ ኣውርድዋ! ምንባብኩምን ሓበሬታኩምን ከክንዲ ዋጋይ እዩ፡፡›› “Download the Book for Free! Your Reading and reaction is my Price”. እዙ መፅሓፍዙይ ወራር ትግራይ ኣብ…
By ADDIS MOGES The signed peace agreement has been entertaining the inevitable challenges in its implementation. Different rejections have observed following the peace agreement on Permanent Cessation of Hostilities and…
አብ ሜዳ ቲዲኤፍ ብድብያ አብ ልዝብ ፕሪቶርያ ናይ ህወሓትሙያ ብውሕሉል ቅያ ተፈፂሙ ቀብሪ ሻዕብያ ካልአይ ቀብሪ አብ ኬንያ ሐመድ ድበ አረጊት ውኻርያ አነ ዝገርመኒ ናይዛ ውድብ ሑርጭ ተበቲና ትውሕድ ተበልዋ…