ሰውን የማሰርና የመፍታት ጨዋታ ዘላቂ የፍትህና የነፃነት እጦት መገለጫ ከመሆን ውጪ ሌላ አይሆንም
ሙሉቀን ወልደጊዮርጊስ 01/09/2022 የፖለቲካ እስረኞች ተፈቱ የሚል ዜና አገሩን በሙሉ አዳርሶታል፡፡ ለወትሮው እንዲህ ሃይማኖታዊ በአል እለት አንዱ ሌላውን በአሉን አንተርሶ እንኳን ለዚህ በአል አደረሰህ/ሽ በማለት መልካም ምኞቱን ይገልጻል፡፡ በዘንድሮው በጌታችን…
Narrating Tigray!
ሙሉቀን ወልደጊዮርጊስ 01/09/2022 የፖለቲካ እስረኞች ተፈቱ የሚል ዜና አገሩን በሙሉ አዳርሶታል፡፡ ለወትሮው እንዲህ ሃይማኖታዊ በአል እለት አንዱ ሌላውን በአሉን አንተርሶ እንኳን ለዚህ በአል አደረሰህ/ሽ በማለት መልካም ምኞቱን ይገልጻል፡፡ በዘንድሮው በጌታችን…
Ethiopian security officers have been systematically extorting and abusing Tigrayan civilians held without charge, including minors and the elderly, since a wave of nationwide mass arrests began last year, according…
Ethiopia has committed a wide range of human rights violations in its war against Tigrayan rebel forces, including mass killings, sexual violence and military targeting of civilians, according to a…
Kenya 2-2-22 - As President of the Republic of Kenya and friend of the brotherly people of Ethiopia, I join the Secretary General of the United Nations, H.E. Antonio GUTERRES,…
mentioned. The Agreement's parliamentary ratification process has already been completed by both parties, confirming their common will to strengthen the bilateral cooperation. In light of the deteriorating situation in Tigray, I…
Politico Jan 25, 2022 Evidence from civilian bombing in Ethiopia points to Turkish drone NAIROBI – Newly obtained photographs of missile fragments provide the first material evidence that Ethiopia used…