The chair
The wobbly chair is speaking from the intensive care To the Chair who sat on it for years, With the weak and angry tone You’re too mean, cruel, heavy and…
Narrating Tigray!
The wobbly chair is speaking from the intensive care To the Chair who sat on it for years, With the weak and angry tone You’re too mean, cruel, heavy and…
ብዘይ ሕንቃቔ፣ ብዘይ ቄንጣ-ምንጢህዝበይ ዕማመት ጉልባብኪ ቀንጥጢክተምጽኢ ዘላቒ ሱር-ነቀል ለውጢ!ትግራይን ኤርትራን እንትሓብራዝኾነ-ይኹን ሓይሊ ከም ዝብንቁራፍሉጥ እዩ ብታሪኽ ኣርእየን፣ ዘመስከራ።ይኹን ድኣ እምበር ንኽልቲአን ኣድንቊሩ፣ከይነቕሓ ዓይነን ሸፊኑ፣ አዕዊሩ፣ይጻወተለን ኣሎ ጸላኢ ንሓዋሩ።መራሕተን ብሃተፍተፍ…
ትማሊ፡ ሓንቲ ፅሕፍቲ ኣብ ጉዳይ “ቅነ ሰሙን ዲፕሎማሲ” ዝብል ኣርእስቲ ዘሎዋ ናብ ገለ ገለ ኣንበብተይ ዘርጊሐ ነበርኩ። ካብቶም ወሃብቲ ርእይቶ ድማ ኣቡነ ተስፋስላሴ ከምዚ ክብሉ ሓተቱኒ። “Have you heard about…
By Teodros Kiros Human beings are complex beings, but their fundamental nature is the same. They all fear death. They are insecure. Sometimes sluggish and lazy. Many times dishonest. The…