‘The people and Government of Tigray stand shoulder to shoulder with the Oromo people as they wage a saliant struggle for their freedom, and rights of self-determination and self-administration that are enshrined in the FDRE constitution.” 

As the victims of the Abiy regime’s premeditated campaign to annihilate them, the people and Government of Tigray have a great appreciation for the Oromo people’s fight for their right to survive as a people. For that reason, the people and Government of Tigray stand unequivocally with the Oromo people as they exercise their legitimate right of self-defense.
Since Abiy Ahmed’s assumption of power, Ethiopia has been lurching from crisis to crisis without respite. The regime, determined to centralize and consolidate power, has been waging nonstop war against all forces committed to the preservation of Ethiopia’s multinational federal dispensation.
As a result, Ethiopia finds itself in an endless cycle of violence, pushing the state to the brink of irreversible failure. As the capacity of the state to manage and prevent conflicts wanes, the spread of violent communal conflicts has become part of Ethiopia’s tragic existence under Abiy Ahmed’s deplorable reign.
Together with the people of Tigray and other federalist forces across Ethiopia, the Oromo people have consistently stood against the Abiy regime’s relentless assault on the constitutional foundation of Ethiopia’s federal system. As the embodiment of the Oromo people’s fundamental devotion to Ethiopia’s continuity as a multinational federation, the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) has been spearheading the resistance to the regime’s unrelenting degradation of the constitutional order.
Since 2019, the Abiy regime has undertaken a series of vicious military crackdowns in Oromia. The regime has deployed euphemistic language — “law enforcement operations”— to justify the murderous rampage and destruction inflicted on the Wallaggaa, Shawaa, Gujii, and Borana areas of Oromia. To justify its wanton destruction of Oromia cities and the mass murder of innocent civilians, the regime proclaims a state of emergency to bypass legal and constitutional constraints on state action. Indeed, Oromia has been under de facto military rule since Abiy’s ascension to the premiership.

By aiga