ታሪኽ ከይድገም
ብ ዶ/ር ፀጋዘኣብ ካሕሱ ኣቦ መንበር – ብሄራዊ ባይቶ ዓባይ ትግራይ መእተዊ – ተጋሩ ኣብ ታሪኽ ዘሕለፍናዮ መዋእል ብፈተናን ገድልን ዝተመልአ እዩ፡፡ ጥንታውያን ኣቦታትና ስልጣንኦምን መሬቶምን ንምውሓስ ክብሉ ምስ ደመኛ…
Narrating Tigray!
ብ ግእዝ ፊደላት ንምፅሓፍ ኣብዚ ዝተትሓሓዘ ሊንክ (https://ethioadvocate.com/editor) ሳንዱቕ ብቐሊሉ ምጥቃም ይከኣል። ብዚ ድማ ናብ ኢ-መይል ወይ ካሊእ ማሕበራዊ ሚድያ ኮፒ ምግባርን ኣብ ዌብሳይታት ንምልጣፍን ይሕግዝ።
ብ ዶ/ር ፀጋዘኣብ ካሕሱ ኣቦ መንበር – ብሄራዊ ባይቶ ዓባይ ትግራይ መእተዊ – ተጋሩ ኣብ ታሪኽ ዘሕለፍናዮ መዋእል ብፈተናን ገድልን ዝተመልአ እዩ፡፡ ጥንታውያን ኣቦታትና ስልጣንኦምን መሬቶምን ንምውሓስ ክብሉ ምስ ደመኛ…
GCHERA ANNOUNCES 2021 LAUREATES OF THE PRESTIGIOUS WORLD AGRICULTURE PRIZE GCHERA (Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences) is pleased to Announce the Laureates of the…
…. The silence of the African Union over the war and the atrocities perpetrated by the forces ranged against us was a betrayal of the Foundational Principles of the Union.…
ADDIS ABABA, June 14 (Reuters) Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said on Tuesday the federal government had formed a committee to negotiate with forces from the rebellious northern region of…
Mulugeta Belay It is a public knowledge that Education is key in terms of laying a solid foundation for healthy human development and is also strongly related to various social…
TDA Tigrai Development Association International along with its chapter in North America (TDANA) has just launched a global resource mobilization campaign called “International Tigray Relief Fund (Mekete)”with the sacred objective…