By Teodros Kiros (Ph.D.)

We are here partly because our mothers birthed us from their loving wombs, to which our fathers are equally contributory. This is a biological fact.

Beyond this fact the enculturation and socialization of us human persons once we are birthed, when we become present, is the major project that our mothers have shouldered in all human civilizations, which is not a minor undertaking. It is they who taught us how to speak, walk, sit and fend for ourselves, tirelessly. It they who made us human persons. We are not born as persons, but with the potential to become persons. We are cultivated to become human persons.

However being present is a biological event when the birthing process is successfully consummated. It is what happens after the process of conditioning which converts us from a beings to human beings, language speaking beings as Professor Noam Chomsky had established.

In the barbaric war of the last two years, although we have already forgotten, a function of the limited brain which does store not everything, the unforgetting human heart does not forget easily, but forgives endlessly, as the dwelling place of the Transcendent who stores everything infinitely and forgives the forgetful brain perpetually.

The brain might have forgotten the thousands of Tigrean people who died in combat as well as unarmed civilians.

The heart has stored them in the depth of its interiors. How can the heart ever forget the self-less mothers who sent their loved ones to die in vain, in defense of dignity, of the right to live.?

How can the images of the courageous mothers who detached themselves from all those whom they birthed after painful labor, to let them die Infront of their eyes, and as if that that is enough they went hungry to give whatever fragments of food they could gather, and take them to the battlefield to feed the soldiers, they are own children.

The brain has forgotten all these and is concentrating on the Joint agreement, which cannot bring back all those who died with a purpose in a purposeless war.

Where are the voices of the victims of genocide , the mothers who sacrificed their children to the war as living testaments of suffering, death, anguish and trauma. Why did the Joint agreement at the outset not include these mothers to speak truth to forgetfulness? Why is the joint agreement a play zone for males to administer? Why are the voices of our mothers not heard by the world, so that the world could move to action swiftly. How many lives could have been if mothers were given a forum to be living proofs of the genocide which took place Infront of their eyes. Why did men speak for them at the Nairobi and Kenya meetings, as if they have no voices?

The heart has stored the forgotten. Our mothers will not be forgotten. The Transcendent will absolve them and the heart will celebrate them.

By aiga

3 thoughts on “In Celebration of Tigrean Mothers.”
  1. Professor Teodros Kiros, thank you for remembering the Tigrawian Mothers, who are suffering the most in the genocide. And as you said, if mothers had been included in the Peace Agreement, they would have made a huge difference, because they would not be concerned about who would win the war or have the upper hand. They would have appealed to, or urged the world powers to save human lives first and foremost. Mothers know that life is precious and the Holy God, Who gave it in the first place has the only right to take it back. MAKT.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us . I have been reading many of your articles in various websites including zehabesha , amharanized cyberspace.

      However, be ware of those TPLF cyber criminals like Nebula and their fans who were cheering and dancing when people of Tigray were subjected to an all out genocide .
      Long live Tigray and freedom fighters who brought us peace by shedding their blood and sacrificing their lives !! Down down TPLF and get lost those TPLF supporters in diaspora !! THose who support TPLF and work with eritreans claiming to be justice seekers have some sort of economic advantage in common.

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