

Dec 22, 2022

By Temsgn Kebede

Ever since we approached 

21st century

In leaps and bounds 

The world has dealt with

Agents of 

Human misery

In leaps forwards

Except in some rare pockets 

Barbarians have been kept

Unscathed doing what they know best.

When do dictators Understand the rule of law?

When no longer taking a safe paseo, 

Motorcades running slow;

When dejected and at all times low, Caught by a mob raw,

Just before they are delivered  a fatal blow. 

Case in point Muammar Gaddafi

Dragged out of a sluice below,

Run the gauntlet,

Pleading for the respect

Of the rule of law, 

As he saw.

When do dictators admit defeat? When they mobilise more to fight:

That they are Blatherskites

With esurient appetites 

Drag bamboozles hoi polloi proletariats 

From their nests

And present them on a sliver plate

To run the gauntlet;

Ensuing a devastating plight, 

That would come to light,

If only for the benighted!

No doubt, dictators are ignorant

When they believe they have the divine right,

To crown themselves a diadem, 

As the guardian knights, 

Cretins with self image unduly inflated, 

Only Offering spiritual sleight,

Messiahs of doomsday cult

 Who Welcome

natural blight,

With open palms

Such as Covid and 

Swarms of locust in flight;

As God sent punishments;

As a divine complement

A predicament, predicted,

By evil iniquitous messiahs

On the planet,

The like of ‘Tenshe’ Ahmed,

Isayas’s cohort. 

 Wicked evils,

Biped Measles

Who execute

Those whom they dine with 

At the same table!

Take a few samples:

Seare, Abere and Asamenew 

As examples.

They shared the same table 

That turned from gathering stable

to a gibbet their lives to disassemble.

But wait, you have not as yet been able, 

To undissembled

What this gnome Abiy is capable:

 Inflict the insufferable!

To non-suspecting people!

Riding on a dark horse saddled

With two legs straddled

Where the pommel and the cantle, 

Alternate and swivel 

Wider as possible,

So Janus faced – 

That of the rider to double, 

To scoop and guddle!

By aiga

11 thoughts on “Armageddon!”
  1. Can you please write a poem for the good did tplf did for the people of tigray? you fox are good blaming the world for your own disastrous mistake, please maybe for the first time point your finger toward yourself and ask yourself and take responsibility. The toxic socialistic ideology that tplf,eprp etc copied from the east and spread in our country is the main reason why things the way they are now. so stop blaming the world. Until those politicians of the 1960s generation died out or get out of our countries politics, I do not think things will get better.

    1. Mr Nebula , spy of TPLF you may enjoy reading the following

      ለትግራይ ሕዝብ ለ ፩፯ ዓመታት ክቡር ሕይወታችን በሰጡና ደማቸውን ባፈሰሱ ውድ የትግራይ ልጆች ስም የተሰበሰበውና የተዋቀረው የህውሓት ድርጅት የማፍያዎች ስብስብ ነው፤፤ይህ ድርጅት በመላው የትግራይ ሕዝብ ስም ሲዘርፍ የቆየ ሲሆን ያረጀ ያፈጀ የማኦ ቻይናዊ ማኒፌስቶውን ያልተቀበለውን የትግራይ ተወላጆችን የተለያዩ ስሞችን እየለጠፈ ሲያስርና ሲያንገላታ ቆይቷል፥፥የትግራይን ሕዝብን በከተማና በመንደር እንዲሁም በጎጥ እየከፋፈለ የአድዋ፥ሺሬ፤አዲግራት፤ማይጨው ወዘተ ልጆች እያለ ሲከፋፍል የቆየው ይኸው የአድዋ ማፊያ ድርጅት የፈለገውን ሲሾም ሌላውን ደግሞ ከሥራ ገበታ ከመኖሪያው ሲያፈናቅል ኖሯል አሁንም በዚሁ የክፋት ሥራው ተጠምዷል፥፥ህውሃት የመላው ትግራይ ህዝብ ጠላት ና ከሥልጣኑ በፊት የሚያስቀድመው የሌለ እና ለሥልጣኑ ሲል የብዙዎችን ሕፃናትና አረጋውያን ና እህቶች ሕይወት ሲገብር ቆይቷል አሁንም እያጠፋ በጅምላ እንዲጨፈጨፉ እያደረገ ነው፥፥ህውሃትና በሥልጣን ዘመኑ ህውሃት ወደ ሃብታም ሀገራት ወደ ውጭ የላካቸው የወንበዴው ተወላጆች የሀሳብ ልዩነት የማይቀበሉ ና ከነርሱ የተለየ ሀሳብ ያለውን የትግራይ ተወላጅ ነፍጠኛ፥ሻቢያ ወዘተ በማለት ከነርሱ ሲያገሉትና ፀያፍ ቃላትን ሲሰነዝሩ ይደመጣሉ፥፥አሁንም ይህ ማፊያ ቡድንና ቃል አቀባይ ተብየው ጌታቸው ረዳን ጨምሮ ተጨማሪ ዕልቂት በትግራይ ሕዝብ ላይ ከማምጣታቸው በፊት ከሥልጣን ይነሱ፥፥እንደ ደቡብ አፍሪካው ስምምነት ህውሃት ሕጋዊ የትግራይ መንግሥት ሊሆን አይችልም አይገባምም፥፥

      Down down mafia TPLF ; TPLF has legitimate power in Tigray soon after the peace deal signed . Remove TPLF including its spokesperson Getachew Reda!!TPLF was dividing people of Tigray and only chosen fans and familiy members of TPLF leaders were able to get job, and treated Humanely. TPLF is expressing its indifference while thousands of poor people of Tigray were subjected to internal displacement , massacre , and hunger.

      Down down TPLF and its fans in Diaspora!!

    2. Gojam: You need to talk about what the ENDF, the bloody Amara militia and FANO did in Tigray before you talk about the TPLF. The question is not about socialistic ideology in Ethiopia; the question is the invasion of Tigray, Benshangual and Oromia by the unitary, expansionist and chauvinist Amhara with the help of the mercenary Eritrean Army and drones from the UAE, China, Turkey and Iran.  The bloody Amhara should and must stop saying that Arsui, Benshangul, Welqait and Raya are mine.   These lands have their respective owners, but not Amara. You can’t condemn the expansionist and unitary (amara-zation) ideologies of the bloody Amhara. You have no moral right to speak about TPLF.

      In the last 27 years, the TPLF as part of the governing EPRDF has built clinics, hospitals, universities, dams and vast modernised farms in the former state of Ethiopia.  During this time, there were democratic issues, and a lack of good governance.  However, Tegaru, Oromos, Benshangul, and the rest of the Nations in Ethiopia’s former station faced no existential threats. TPLF as part of EPRDF built the former state of Ethiopia at the expense of Tigray.  Where else do you find a POW became a General, except in Ethiopia. 

  2. Various and sundry informations are coming on the scene authenticating the fact that eritrean spies deployed by Higdef( PFDJ) and residing in Addis Ababa are controlling the Dollar Import And Export business . Besides, they are engaged in daylight robbery in dollar or euro exchange deal. They are also reportedly plundering jewelry stores owned by Tigrayans.
    Eritrean troops and its spies out of Tigray
    Bring the genocide, and robbery of PFDJ to an end!!

    PFDJ is sending ethiopian riches to Dubai and pushing Ethiopians towards extreme poverty and bloody endless chaos !!For amhara elites, saftey and security of their people is unimportant as long as they destroy TPLF and PFDJ promised them the port as long as they cooperate with shabiya and destroy ethiopia!
    Ittu aba farda, Dr Yonas biru and others are supporters of genocider Abiy
    Shabiya is plundering Ethiopia and sending its riches to Dubai . Ethiopia, lan,d is now controlled by 5 million eritreans !!

  3. ስኣን ቀረብ መድሓኒት ህፃውንቲ ሕጅውን ይሞቱ ከምዘለው ንዝምልከቶም አካላት ነህብር፤፤
    ፋኖን ናይ ክልል አምሓራ ሠራዊት በሓባር አብ ሕዝብና መርሸንትን ግፍዕታትን ይፍፅሙ ከምዘለው ይቃላዕ አሎ፤፤ብተወሳኺ፥ ምስ ሠራዊት ኢትዮጵያ ብተፈላለየ ሥልጣን፥ከግልግሉ ዝነበሩ ተወለድቲ ትግራይ ከምዝተረሸኑ ሕጅውን ሚድያታት ክገልለፃን ከቃልኣን ንሰምዕ አለና፤፤መራህቲ ሕውሓት ንመቃልስቶምን ንብፆቶም ክዝክሩ ዘየገድሶም ከዳኣት እዮም፤፤ ከሀያ ሰባት አመታት በላይ ሕይወታቸውን በአደጋ ላይ ጥለው የህውሃት መሪዎችን በሥልጣን ላይ እንዲቆዩ ያደረጓቸውን የትግራይ ተወላጆች የሆኑ የትግል አጋሮቻቸው የሠራዊቱ ሀላፊዎችንና ወታደሮችን መታደግና ከእሥር እንዲፈቱ ያደረጉት ነገር የለም፥፥የትግል አጋሩን ና ጋሻ ጃግሬ ሆኖ የታደገውን ሠራዊት ወገኑን የማያድን ለመላው ትግራይ ሕዝብ ይገደዋል ይታገላል ተብሎ በጭራሽ አይታሰብም፤፤
    Source: ሰበር ዜና || ሁለት የትግራይ ጀነራል ኣመራሮች ተገደሉ Badme Tv, DW Dmsti Weyane
    If TPLF is not capable of protecting the people of Tigray and striving to ensure the release of former members of Ethiopian army ,of Tigrayan descent, TPLF must step down !!

  4. what part of stop blaming the world that you don’t understand. your problem is not eritra , usa, eu etc, your problem is your own warped ethnic based politics that tplf copied from Albania and try to experiment that on our people. All the instability that is happening in Ethiopia is directly related to this backward policy that is based on ethnicity. Consequently the poor people of Ethiopia is paying the heavy price. one thing I am very surprised is the level of control tplf has over the people of tegray which I never expected it gets to this extent. even after creating all these havoc and scarifies close to a million people out of a population of just under six millions, the reaction of the people toward tplf is non existence. what does it take for the people to start questioning tplf and its cadres?

    1. Gojam: Have you ever asked yourself why  the bloody Amhara invaded Tigray, Benshagul and Oromia representing the Amara tribe?  Does the ENDF not represent all nations and nationals in the former state of Ethiopia? 

      How do you know that the people of Tigray are not questioning the TPLF.  Is it because they are not doing it the way you expected?  The bloody Amara with the help of mercenary Eritrean Army killed close to a million civilian Tegaru.  Wouldn’t you rather be talking about the atrocities committed by the bloody Amara and Eritreans rather than talking about the TPLF?   You’re just blaming the TPLF to cover up the Tigray genocide committed by your relatives, the bloody Amhara. Where is the logic in blaming the TPLF, which is trying to protect Tegaru in their own homeland, and yet not talking about the invaders who came to Tigray to kill, destroy, and rape the innocent?

  5. Tsegaye,
    I have no fear of anyone to question what they did during or before the war, to answer your question about the Amhara soldiers in tigray, they are their because that is where tplf and its fighters are hiding after they are kicked from the Afar and Amhara kilil. So here you have it, and they will be there until all the tplf soldiers disarm and surrender all the light and heavy weapons based on the document they signed. Most importantly, tplf have no right to say who should stay in tegary or who should leave, until tplf disarm and disband from any kind of politics either the federal or the Amhara soldiers will not leave. I did not know you fox are cry babies, you started the war three times at least and when you lost you are playing the victim game now genocide , rape etc. Do you know what tplf did in Amhara and Afar kilil? In fact all this crying is to avoid or minimize the responsibility of the tplf crime in Amhara and Afar. The time for negotiation is over, what is expected now is for tplf to follow the instruction and disappear for good, anything short of that is in violation of the agreement and it will have consequence. speaking of land I do not accept any internal boundary that tplf created, so I have equal say in tegray as I have in Gojam or anywhere else in the country, whether you accepted it or not so stop using this non sense homeland junk. The entire Ethiopia is my homeland anything short of that is unacceptable, the due for that right was paid long time ago.

    1. Gojam: You are still veering off from the main subject towards blaming TPLF. Another question for you:  All the atrocities committed in Tigray were committed after ENDF and the mercenary Eritrean Army controlled all of Tigray except Kola Temien.  If the target was TPLF, why commit such a heinous crime against innocent Tegaru.   There are no TPLF fighters in Tigray.  However, there is a formidable army called TDF.  TDF is a composition of people from all walks of life, including doctors, engineers, farmers, teachers, laborers, etc.   This group of people armed themselves after seeing their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and other relatives mercilessly gunned-down  before  their eyes  It is clear that when you say TPLF you are saying the people of Tigray.  This is supported by the actions taken so far and your writings.

      You can rest cetain that you will not be among those who will have a say in Tigray, particularly እንደ አህያ እያናፋህ ከመጣህ. TDF and Tegaru will have absolute control over who stays in Tigray and who moves out of Tigray.  You need to read the agreement again. The first to go will be the bloody Amhara and the mercenary Eritrean Army.  Loading…

      Gojam wrote: “Do you know what tplf did in Amhara and Afar kilil?” This implies that the killing and raping of innocent civilians in Tigray is a revenge act and you support it.

      Gojam wrote: “speaking of land I do not accept any internal boundary that tplf created” You are right here, and I agree with you.  Tigray’s border should extend to its historical boundary- አልውሓ ምላሽ፣ መተማ ዮሐንስ፣አብራሓ ጅራ፣አምባጅውርግስ፣ራእሲ ደገና፣ ለማልሞ፣ etc.

      Gojam wrote: “The time for negotiation is over,” Who is preventing you from taking over Tigray if it were not TDF. እንደ ዱቄት የተበተነው ሓይል ፣ እንደገና ስር ሰዶ አብይ አህመድን በአፍንጫው ጎትቶ እንዲደራደር አድርጎታል። በዚህ ተናደድ እንዴ? ስሚ ሰቲካ ጋህ በል! Colonel Abiey Ahmed and Shaebia, the bloody Amara and FANO planned to celebrate Meskel in Mekele (መቀለ)።  Did it happen? NOP!  You need to rearrange your perceptions, Gojam.  It is not who is shouting loudly; it is who is doing the real work.

  6. Tsegaye,
    After seeing your response I laughed a lot, the reason is, when you said who is preventing you from taking over tegray so you are implying that our army was not able to enter everywhere but in mekele? if that makes you cheer or happy I am fine with that since you are my country man. but do not be delusional, this kind of attitude is what is creating the sad reality on the ground. remember what one of the big wig tplf said before the war, “war is a game for us” that is a delusion in the same category, so be careful. The people who say this kind of nonsense are the one who hide first when things go wrong and the poor fox pay the heavy price. Is scarifying a million or so qualify for “war is a game for us” propaganda? what a foolish statement one can make!! I recently read a book about one of the great leader of Ethiopia Atse Yohanes and to see the kind of people like tplf leaders from the birth place of this larger than life leader is one of the mystery of life. Please watch Dr Haregeweyn one of your fellow tegre interview with Araya Tesfamariam , you may not change what happened but you can learn from making another disastrous mistake and blame the world.

    1. Gojam: I am not your countryman, and I am not anymore Ethiopian. For the last 150 years, I’ve been treated as a second-class citizen. I am Tigraway (Tigrayan).  My struggle will be to create an independent Tigray.  Don’t be a person of short memory: remember the negotiation days that were extended in Pretoria  in the hope that the atrocious and cruel ENDF, and the mercenary Eritrean Army would control Mekele.  The Tigray negotiators were told that if Mekele is taken then there will be no negotiation.   The cruel and barbarian ENDF with the help of the mercenary Eritrean Army could not take Adgrat let alone Mekele.

      You appear to be proud and morally superior despite the fact that the cruel ENDF, FANO, bloodthirsty Amhara, and mercenary Eritrean army killed a million innocent Tegaru civilians. Justice will be served one day and these animals, including you, will be brought to justice.

      Haregewyne is a disgruntled false professor who sold out to her belly. She came back to Ethiopia because she was fired from a university in the US due to her academic incompetence. Now, Ethiopia has become a collection of incompetent academics and leaders. There is nothing here to boost for. Now days in Ethiopia, it has become fashion to blame TPLF in order to get rewards.

      How deep did TPLF get under your skin? Perhaps the TPLF fatally wounded the vision and strategy of a unitary and bloodthirsty Gojam (Amhara) to create an Amhara-sized imperial Ethiopia. Just curious!

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