AP Jan 13, 2022

Nobel body criticizes peace prize winner Abiy over Tigray

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) – The Norwegian Nobel Committee, which awards the prestigious Peace Prize, on Thursday issued a very rare admonition to the 2019 winner, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, over the war and humanitarian crisis in his country’s Tigray region. “As prime minister and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Abiy Ahmed has a special responsibility to end the conflict and contribute to peace,” the Oslo-based committee said in a statement.
Comment- It is still a mystery to many why the group decided to award the peace prize to Abiy since Abiy was not that known and Eritrea was run by a little dictator who killed his own people and country. How do you award Nobel Peace Prize to any man who makes peace with a devil? Peace with a devil is no peace but peace in hell, right? In any case glad to see the last cover Abiy Ahmed has left on his behind is removed. Aman bi Aman – the emperor is naked!!!

By aiga