By Aesop

Tigrai will defeat its enemies. Why?

1) it has a just cause;

2) it has a unified and capable leadership;

3) it has a capable military;

4) it has a popular support.

Its enemies, by contrast:

1) lack a common goal beyond Tigrai genocide;

2) have no unity of command or leadership;

3) have numbers, not quality troops;

4) they lack popular support, i.e., they are tyrants. So, the question is: how can Tigrai efficiently defeat them? That leads me to DDS: division, delegation, and specialization.

Tigreans should divide responsibility, delegate tasks beyond their scope, and specialize in what they do best. Specialization is a shortcut to productivity. One specializes when one divides that task at hand and delegates the rest to others best suited to do it. Adam Smith, dubbed the father of capitalism, was the first who coined this term. When Adam Smith discussed specialization, he understood that people are selfish. He thought that people are not motivated by altruistic motives but by an innate drive for self-preservation. One could definitely argue against this assumption (for people are also altruistic). However, one cannot deny Smith’s observation when he said:

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages”.

Accordingly, every Tigrean should realize that the resistance against Tigrean genocide is a personal assault. As William Rion twitted, Tigrai’s enemies also target “toddlers”. Every Tigrean is engaged in this struggle is out there to spare the life of one’s parents, aunts/uncles, children, nephews/nieces, and friends/acquaintances. At this stage, it should be crystal clear that Tigrai’s enemies did not wage this war to subdue Tigrai’s government or the TDF for that matter. They are out here to murder everyone “including toddlers” as Rion reported. So, one must ask how one can best help given their strengths and limitations.

Specialization is the most efficient path to defeat Tigrai’s enemies. What is specialization? Specialization is the ultimate manifestation of the division of labor. Division of labor is the allocation of effort commensurate to one’s location, capacity, and productivity. One is said to have specialized in a given task when one is best suited to it and excels in it. It is high time for every Tigrean to assess his/her position in relation to the campaign to murder and rape all Tigreans (or genocide, as often coined). Every Tigrean must correctly identify where they live, what they can contribute, and how best they can do it. Once they identify their particular role, they should avoid wondering off that domain and try to master their job. Once they identify their domain, they should seek to bring the best results in their role. The first phase is organization; the second phase is mastery. Specialization stands between these two milestones.

Specialization has three phases: 1) Recognize where one stands (ask: if one is a government official, a TDF, or a diaspora); 2) Avoid wondering off one’s domain (e.g., delegate/leave TDF’s task for TDF); and 3) Organize and master one’s craft to bring in the best result (e.g. a diaspora focusing on doing what a diaspora does best). Let’s look at the map, canvass the big picture here, and ask: “Where are Tigrean today?” Well, Tigreans are in four places at this time: a) government; b) warriors; c) logistics/support and d) the diaspora. So, what does it mean when one says Tigreans should stay in their domain? a) those who live outside Tigrai should avoid meddling in Tigrai’s political and military internal decisions; b) those who live inside Tigrai should avoid meddling in Tigrai’s political, economic, and diplomatic affairs.

Now, I have never seen an official in the Tigrean government or a leader in Tigrean defense forces passing judgement on the diaspora activities. I only see these leaders encouraging, even praising the diaspora movement to save Tigrai. This is not because the diaspora media and advocacy efforts are perfect. However, Tigrai’s leaders (political and military) and people of Tigrai have always kept a good faith that the Tigrean diaspora is doing its best in the totality of the circumstances. The Tigrai diaspora should reciprocate this good faith accordingly. The diaspora should bestow its confidence in the people and leaders of Tigrai currently making and pursuing tough life and death decisions, doing their best in the totality of circumstances. That is the essence of delegation.

 And, finally, how should Tigreans specialize? a) the government should mobilize the people and recruit fighters; b) the soldiers should accomplish the military objectives set forth by the central and military command; c) the people should mobilize resources as directed by their governments’ demand; d) the diaspora should cover Tigrai financial, information, and diplomatic gaps Tigrai’s government is limited with. Specialization materializes when every Tigrean identifies his/her particular place/role and does his/her very best to produce results in their respective domains. This specialization, in turn, makes Tigrai inevitable path to victory more efficient (i.e., less costly). Anything beneath specialization wastes the meagre and valuable resources Tigrai has.

In sum, Tigrai will emerge victorious from this evil war of extinction. But this inevitable victory can be executed more efficiently, i.e., costing less time and resources. This can be best done when:

1) Tigreans divide their respective responsibilities;

2) Delegate tasks to one another, including refraining from meddling in one others’ job (i.e., confide in other members of the team allocated work);

3) specialize- master the craft of one’s expertise and produce the best result. The government governs, the soldiers fight, the people support, and those in the diaspora provide financial, diplomatic, and media back up. This is the core essence of productivity which Adam Smith explained in his magnum opus treatise- “The Wealth of Nations”- which, I think, also applies to the ongoing resistance to save Tigrai from serial killers and rapists. If Tigreans wish optimize VICTORY, they should: DIVIDE, DELEGATE, & SPECIALIZE their respective tasks!!

By aiga