By Teodros Kiros (Ph.D)

The humble people of Tigray have no permanent enemies. We would like to have permanent friends instead, when God chooses friends for us. We do not choose our friends. Friends are gifts from God. All of us in the middle of a barbaric war are the children of God. He loves us all with the eyes of his Just heart. In his heart we are all friends, and if we are not, we must seek the friends which God will gift us.

At this point in time, while swimming in the sea of hate, we can still decide to love. Love and forgiveness are decisions. We the ordinary people who have been dragged to a meaningless war, which the Ethiopian and Eritrean elites engineered should consult our hearts, and flood the streets of Addis and Asmara and say no to the death of our youth and yes to their sacrosanct life.

Our youth were not born to die this way. They were meant to grow up and replace us when we transition. When we condemn them to go to war, we are depriving them of a future life.

Should this be case?

Think and think hard. It is not too late. Refuse to follow orders and demand that negotiations begin immediately.

We must fight for our youth, to be born, to mature in the womb of time, to prosper and die at God’s time. If we love our children, and I believe every parent does, we must fight for them, not to die without purpose, but to live and construct a New Ethiopia, an Ethiopia for all.

The people of Tigray cannot to live. The elites have resolved to annihilate them, and the Tigrean must fight for their lives. Others have decided to dust them off from the earth. The Tigrean people have decide to die to the last person. This should not be inexorably the case, if peace loving Ethiopians and Eritreans could change the tide of the meaningless war.

I appeal to all Ethiopians and Eritreans to say enough is enough, and use the intelligent heart to lead the way towards the sun light of life.

By aiga