02 – 28 – 2022

Paulos Irgau

If you were to pick a person randomly and ask the person to list the contrasts and similarities between Tigray and Ukraine, he or she would list a plethora of differences but would be highly unlikely the person would list the different international community’s responses they both have gotten thus far when both are victims of aggression by two thugs and maniacs—Abiy and Putin. The bias is not a subtle or human condition or human element but a social construct. Outright racism! 

What is even ironic is that Tigray is the home of the Battle of Adwa where the then firmly established scientific dogma is otherwise known as “Eugenics” was shattered so much so that the world was stunned when Tegaru defeated the invading Italians beyond words when it was a forgone conclusion for Italy to come out a victor for the science had said so. Tigray proved science wrong! Tigray said all men and women were created equal and are judged by their character and merit but sadly the world opted to be callous and indifferent including in the here and now—the 21st century. 

When Tigray became a victim of aggression including war crimes and genocide, the international community churned out its “concerns” which later on graduated onto “very concerned” and “gravely concerned” with no substantial effects on the aggressor whatsoever when the rape of over one hundred thousand Tigrean women went on unabated throughout Tigray. The numbers are horrifying and the response from the international community should’ve been effective and swift but for a reason based on the social construct, it wasn’t.

Tigray however, refused to resign into self-pity but remained true to what it is—a resilient nation that strives in extraordinary adversity. Ethiopian huge army, Eritrean huge army, Amhara special forces, Somali mercenaries including high tech war technologies couldn’t break Tigrean spirit, instead, they all were defeated with their tails between their legs when it was crystal clear for Tigray that waiting for the international community to act was tantamount to chasing a wind. 

It has been sixteen months. And the only weapon Abiy is left with is starving Tigray to death and in the meantime, the world remains indifferent for a reason which has become too obvious by now. 
Tigray will survive as it always has and will rise from the ashes as the proverbial Sphinx and one can only hope that the international community recognizes and remains true to its founding credo where all men and women are created equal and should be seen as such anywhere and everywhere where Aristotle’s lament should lose its meaning when he said, “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” In solidarity with the Ukrainian people! 

By aiga