

Jan 6, 2022

By aiga

3 thoughts on “Tigrinya-Amharic”
  1. I so sick and tired of seeing the words “TIGRAYAN”; “TIGRINYA”;
    Are we still struggling to tell the world to identify/call us using the right words/terms?
    We are TEGARU;
    A male person from Tigray or descendant of Tigray is TIGRAWAI;
    A female person from Tigray or descendant of Tigray is TIGRAWOITY;
    Our language is LSANNE-TIGRAY

      1. ወንድም፣
        ምናልባት አዲሳበባ ሆነ ሌላ ክፍለሃገር የተወለዱ እና ያደጉ ተጋሩ፣ ትግሪኛ ጨርሶ የማያዉቁ ግን ደግሞ መናገር የሚችሉ መጻፍ ግን የማይችሉ በብዛት ምን ያህል ይሆናሉ ብለህ ጠይቀሃል? ካለን የብዛት ማነስ እነዚህን ደግሞ ማግለል ጠቀሜታዉ ለማን ነዉ???

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